MS Environmental Geosciences Michigan State University
分野:Natural Science
分類:Earth(Geo) Science
概要:Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Environmental Geosciences A total of 30 credits is required for the degree under either Plan A or Plan B. The student's program of study must be approved by the student's guidance committee. The student must meet the requirements specified below: Requirements for Both Plan A and Plan B 1. Tier I requirements (10 to 12 credits): a. General Component. The following course (1 credit): GLG 423 Environmental Geosciences 1 b. Soil Component. One of the following courses (3 or 4 credits): CSS 455 Pollutants in the Soil Environment 3 CSS 825 Clay Mineralogy and Soils Genesis 4 CSS 855 Interfacial Environmental Chemistry 4 c. Chemical Component. One of the following courses (3 credits): GLG 421 Environmental Geochemistry 3 GLG 821 Aqueous Geochemistry 3 GLG 823 Isotope Geochemistry 3 d. Hydrogeology Component. One of the following courses (3 or 4 credits): CE 421 Engineering Hydrology 3 CE 821 Groundwater Hydraulics 3 GLG 411 Hydrogeology 4 2. Tier II requirement. One of the following courses (3 or 4 credits): GEO 408 Soil Geomorphology Field Study 4 GLG 412 Glacial and Quaternary Geology 3 GLG 422 Organic Geochemistry 3 GLG 471 Applied Geophysics 4 GLG 481 Reservoirs and Aquifers 4 GLG 822 Analytical Applications for Biogeochemical Research 3 GLG 863 Mineral?Water Interactions 4 With the approval of the guidance committee, a student may substitute a course listed in the Tier I requirements for one of the courses listed above.
コース名:MS Environmental Geosciences
faculity:College of Natural Science