MSc in Public Policy University College London

学校名:University College London
分野:Political Science
分類:Public Policy
概要:The MSc degree in Public Policy at UCL aims to contribute to the education of a new generation of public policy-makers and policy analysts, familiarising them with the necessary concepts, theories, methods and principles involved in the formulation and analysis of public policy. The course aims to equip students with the theoretical tools and empirical evidence necessary for an in-depth understanding of policy-making in liberal democracies, including the changing nature of governance and the theoretical, practical and ethical questions surrounding the future role of the state. The course draws on the disciplines of political science, economics, law, public management and public health. The interdisciplinary aspect of the course provides participants with the opportunity to address some of the key issues of contemporary governance after two decades of reform. These include, for example, questions of the appropriate design of institutions, the management of contractual relationships, the design of regulatory mechanisms and economic approaches to policy evaluation. Through its strengths in Economics and Law, UCL can bring together two of the key disciplines necessary for an understanding of these complex issues. The field of Political Science provides new generalisable models to understand how policy actors behave in the changed environment. Furthermore, with the involvement of the Medical School, UCL is uniquely-well placed to draw together theory and practice in the field of public policy in Health, where perhaps the most far-reaching of all public sector reforms has taken place.
コース名:MSc in Public Policy
faculity:Department of Political Science